Frictionless compliance: why is it important?

We want the compliance industry to talk more about frictionless processes. So here are some of their benefits, from our VP of Sales and Marketing, Felipe Mora.

Frictionless compliance: why is it important?

Force and friction are often two concepts that we relate to physics, to science. However, the truth is that few know that they are not far removed from other areas, for example, the financial industry.  

Force is anything that drives a sale, a good customer relationship or a future referral. Friction, on the other hand, is that which hinders what the force seeks to achieve: a bad referral, an unhappy customer or a stormy process –which in the compliance industry means long lead times, high costs and rework–. 

Adding force to a sales or customer onboarding process is usually straightforward for a company, because in the end that is what it seeks to achieve. The problem lies in adding force without generating friction: a frictionless process.