Frictionless compliance with Felipe Mora

Join us for the season premiere of our podcast, The Fully Compliant, with a wonderful conversation on frictionless compliance.

Frictionless compliance with Felipe Mora

We often think of force and friction in terms of physics or science. But the truth is that only a few people know they are related to other fields, such as the financial business.

Force is anything that leads to a sale, a good bond with a customer, or a future recommendation. Friction, on the other hand, is anything that gets in the way of what the force is trying to do, like a lousy referral, an angry customer, or a stormy process, which in the compliance industry means long lead times, high costs, and rework.

Most of the time, it's easy for a company to add force to a sales or customer training process because that's what it wants to do in the end. The problem is adding force without making friction, which is called a "frictionless process."

Welcome to The Fully Compliant, a podcast by Trans World Compliance. Today we present "Frictionless compliance" with Felipe Mora, VP of Sales and Marketing at TWC.

Listen to the episode (in Spanish) by clicking on the display below, or read more about the importance of a frictionless compliance industry here.