Compliance, training and consulting with B. Roxanne Forde

Discover the importance of training, and consulting in navigating complex regulatory landscapes. Join B. Roxanne Forde as she shares her compliance journey.

Compliance, training and consulting with B. Roxanne Forde

Training and consulting in compliance are critical components of any successful organization, ensuring that companies navigate complex regulatory landscapes while upholding their commitment to ethical conduct.

That’s why it is important for companies to have on their side an industry expert that will guide them through this landscape while keeping compliance fun.

Welcome to The Fully Compliant, a podcast by Trans World Compliance. Today we present: consulting and training.

We’re joined by B. Roxanne Forde, principal consultant of Regional Compliance Consultants, and a specialist with more than 15 years in experience in providing practical regulatory compliance solutions and guidance in the Caribbean region.

Listen to the episode by clicking on the screen below.